Portwest - Do You Know Booklet
WHAT IS EN ISO 13287:2019? SLIP RESISTANCE This standard specifies a method for testing the slip resistance of conventionally soled safety footwear. It is not applicable to footwear with specific features such as studs or spikes or footwear that is designed for soft ground such as sand and sludge.
Normal Force
Normal Force
EN ISO 13287:2019
Coefficient of Friction (EN 13287)
Marking Code
Test Surface
Forward movement of shoe relative to surface
Forward movement of shoe relative to surface
Forward Heel Slip
Forward Flat Slip
Încălţămintea clasificată SRA este testată pe o podea din plăci ceramice, pe care se aplică o soluţie numită Lauryl sulfat de sodiu (NaLS). Această soluţie acţionează ca un lubrifiant pentru a măsura rezistenţa la alunecare a încălţămintei în aceste conditii. Rezistenţa la alunecare este determinată pe baza forţei de frecare a articolului de încălţăminte, adică a capacităţii sale de a rezista alunecării peste suprafaţă. Rezultatele sunt exprimate ca coeficientul de frecare dinamic, o măsură a rezistenţei la accidente de alunecare. Încălţămintea SRA este testată numai pe pardoseli din ceramică.
1. SRA 1. SRA
Ceramic tile with SLS*
< 0.28
< 0.32
Steel floor with Glycerol
< 0.13
< 0.18
Ceramic tile with SLS* & Steel floor with Glycerol
< 0.28 < 0.13
< 0.32 < 0.18
*Water with 5% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) solution
Forward Heel Slip
Forward Flat Slip
2. SRB SRB graded footwear follows a similar test method as the SRA test described abovel but the test is performed on a steel floor with glycerol.
1. SRA SRA graded footwear is tested on a ceramic tile floor upon which a solution called sodium Lauryl sulphate (NaLS) is applied. This solution acts as a lubricant to gauge the slip resistance of the footwear in slippery conditions. The slip resistance is determined based on the frictional force of the item of footwear i.e. its ability to resist slipping over the surface. The results are expressed as the dynamic coefficient of friction.
3. SRC SRC graded footwear is the marking given to an item of footwear if the outsole passes both the ceramic tile test (SRA) and the steel floor test (SRB).
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