PW Food Business Protective Wear
CROSS CONTAMINATION The risk of cross contamination when handling and processing food is greatly reduced by wearing appropriate personal protective clothing, hand protection and PPE. Food safe certified hand protection also offers a barrier between potentially dangerous pathogens and the food being handled. TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS Temperature-controlled environments are common in all food sectors, from cold store and refrigeration to working in hot conditions with materials that conduct heat. Appropriate protective wear ensures workers are comfortable and safe while they work.
SLIPS Slips, trips and falls are a common workplace hazard for the food service, catering and processing industries. Anti-slip footwear is essential in these types of work environment.
SPILLS Those working in food sectors require appropriate protective wear to prevent contamination. It also reduces the risk of eye and skin injury commonly associated with spills.
SPLASH Splashes can occur when working with various food and drink substances, causing potential damage to skin or eyes. Splash resistant fabrics finishes and PPE such as goggles can help prevent these injuries at work.
SHARP OBJECTS Cut injury is an ever-present risk across all food sectors. Ensuring employees are wearing appropriate cut resistant hand protection and clothing protects against high risk cuts.
AIR CONTAMINATION Across all sectors of food business, the use of respiratory protection reduces the risks of accidental atmospheric inhalation of airborne particles or noxious odours and substances.
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