Northrock Safety - PPE Catalogue - 2017

108 RAINWEAR RANGE The fo l l owi ng Ra i nwea r co l l ec t i ons o f f er an out s t and i ng cho i ce o f des i gns and co l our s , suitabl e for many end user s . The bes t qualit y f ab r i c s and h i gh te chno l ogy cons t r uc t i on techniques are used throughout, guaranteeing the ultimate in all -weather protec tion . Tes ted to withstand the rigours of ever yday wear, each garment has been designed and manuf ac tured wi th ca re, to ensure tot a l s at is f ac t i on wea r af ter wear. • PWR RAINWEAR™ • SEALTEX™ • CLASSIC RAINWEAR • PADDED RAINWEAR • SECURITY RAINWEAR • 3 IN 1 RAINWEAR • BODYWARMERS • SOFTSHELL • FLEECE • COLDSTORE • RAINWEAR ACCESSORIES Styles


To convert grams per square meter to ounces per square yard: x 0.0295 To convert ounces per square yard to grams per square meter: x 33.91

1 Yd 2


1 M 2

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