KStrong Asia Product Catalogue 2022


Work Positioning

A Work Positioning System is one that is designed to hold and sustain the user at a work location and limit the free fall to 600mm maximum. A work positioning system MUST not be used for fall arrest. A Restrained Fall is the use of equipment such as a harness and adjustable lanyard which can be adjusted by the user to maintain a restraint condition in different situations as the distance from anchorage to a potential fall zone varies. It assumes that the level of user training and competence is adequate to counter the additional risk factor.


Full-body or lower-body harness and pole strap.

Typical Application

Working on a pole where no more than 600mm maximum free fall is possible.

A Suspension System is designed to suspend and support the user while being transported (raised up or down) vertically and does not allow free fall. After a fall in a full body harness, the user may be suspended in a position that they can not recover themselves from, like over the edge of a platform. The rescuers will setup the rescue kit, attach the rescue system to the victim and detach them from their fall arrest device, raise or lower them to safety. Rope Access / Working in Suspension


• Full-body harness with two fall arrest attachment points, a primary attachment for suspension along with a secondary backup system. The use of a podium seat may be required for longer periods of suspension work, The ventral (waist) attachment points on the harness are best for suspension. Suitable anchor points rated to 12kN or a tripod or davit system. • 12kN anchor point will be required if a fall greater than 600mm may occur.

Typical Application

• Confined space work where you may be required to be lowered or lifted out of a tank. • Window Cleaning • Painting


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