HexArmor Industry Applications Guide

#1 in needlestick protection Protect transportation workers with the best needlestick-resistant PPE on the market

Working around any mode of transportation poses a risk for injury, but one that often goes unsuspected is a needlestick injury.

In transportation-related fields, hand protection is needed to mitigate serious injury from a needlestick and other sharp objects while completing tasks such as: airport bag searches, roadside cleanup, rest area maintenance, security needs, public transit upkeep, and more.

A needlestick injury poses an elevated danger due to the risk of infection from bloodborne pathogens (diseases), such as hepatitis B and C, and HIV, which can be extremely detrimental to your health.


The key to protection SuperFabric ® brand material*

HexArmor ® sets the industry standard for cut and needle protection by layering SuperFabric ® brand material within various glove solutions to protect against the most dangerous hazards encountered in transportation-related occupations. How does it work? SuperFabric ® blocks and arrests sharps hazards from reaching the skin with rigid guard plates attached to flexible fabric, preventing life-changing injuries and saving millions in medical expenses.






Other contraband

NEEDLESTICK INJURIES CAN TRANSMIT MORE THAN ALMOST 1,000 needlestick injuries occur 20 blood-borne pathogens including HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and, more rarely, malaria, human T cell leukemia virus, and Ebola (News Medical Life Sciences, 2019) Needle exposure can cost from $5,000 $36,000 for initial evalution to per day in the United States

Outer shell

Skin surface

SuperFabric ®

for ongoing treatment

(Infection Control Today)

(American Hospital Association)

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