HexArmor Industry Applications Guide

#1 in needlestick protection Protect municipality workers with the best needlestick-resistant PPE on the market

It’s a common misconception that only those who work in the medical field are likely to sustain needlestick injuries. However, the prevalence of needle sticks in municipal applications, such as recycling, waste, law enforcement, schools, and other local municipalities is steadily increasing.

Without proper protection, workers who are handling sharps in these environments are susceptible to life-changing needlestick injuries that can lead to bloodborne diseases, including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV.


The key to protection SuperFabric ® brand material*

HexArmor ® sets the industry standard for cut and needle protection by layering SuperFabric ® brand material within various glove solutions to protect against the most dangerous hazards encountered in municipality-related tasks. How does it work? SuperFabric ® blocks and arrests sharps hazards from reaching the skin with rigid guard plates attached to flexible fabric, preventing life-changing injuries and saving millions in medical expenses.




Other sharps



Howdo needlestick injuries occur?

During or after disposal 22%

After use, before disposal 19%

During use 52%

Outer shell

• Activation of safety feature • Recaping needle • During clean up

• Access IV line • Transfer/process specimens • Pass/transfer equipment • Collision with sharp or worker • Insertion or removal of needle • Other

• In transit to disposal • Improper disposal • During disposal

Skin surface

(United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Needle exposure can cost from $5,000

SuperFabric ®

for initial evalution to

for ongoing treatment $36,000

(American Hospital Association)

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