Flowtronix Catalogue

TheChartered Society for WorkerHealthProtection

BREATHE FREELY ControllingExposures toprevent occupational lungdisease in theconstruction industry

Work-related lung disease and deaths in the UK construction sector* Exposures at work are a major cause of lung disease in the UK. The risks from working in construction are greater than for any other sector.

BESPOKE-INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR RESPIRATORY NEEDS Workers in different industries are prone to respiratory hazards that exist in various forms like gases, vapors, dusts, mists, fumes, smoke, sprays, fog and others. These substances can cause infection that may lead to serious illnesses if not prevented. Respirators can provide them protection by removing contaminants from air before it is inhal d. Also, respiratory protec ive equipments give the user the adequate protection needed against various contaminants that can endanger their life and health. Primary objective of using respiratory protection is to prevent xposure to air contamination and avoid complications. ALL INDUSTRIES Every year 12,000 deaths 129,000 total cases 13,000 new cases 29 new cases per 100,000 workers ALL INDUSTRIES The occupational respiratory diseases Occupational cancers of the respiratory system cause of more than 7,000 deaths a year COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) causes an estimated minimum of 4,000 deaths per year 16% of adult-onset asthma cases may be work-related The UK construction sector has the largest number of reported cases of occupational lung disease of any industrial sector The construc ion sector has the largest number reported cases of occupational lung disease in any industrial sector


• EN 149:2001+A1:2009 Requirements for filtering half masks as respiratory protective devices to protect against particles (except for escape purposes). There are three classes of protection detailed in EN149:2001: (1) FFP1, (2) FFP2 and (3) FFP3 and filtering face piece are classified according to filter efficiency. This standard introduces two usability classifications for disposable respirators: - “NR” - this marking is placed on respirators good for single shift only and must be disposed immediately - “R” - this marking is placed on reusable devices • EN 136:1998 This sets the minimum requirements for full face masks. Full face masks are usually fitted with replaceable filters conforming to the separate standards EN141, 143, 371, 372. 3 Classes in EN 136 (all classes provide the same level of protection): - Class 1 - a light duty full face mask which is maintenance free and cannot be fitted with standard canisters. - Class 2 - a fully maintainable general duty Respirator. - Class 3 - a fire fighting mask which has passed a radiant heat test. • NIOSH Provides testing, approval, and certification program assuring respirators meet the standards of 42 CFR Part 84. What is a NIOSH-approved N95 respirator? N95 - Respirators that filter out at least 95% of airborne particles during“worse case”testing. Respirators in this family are rated as N,


Construction is among the top 5 industries for deaths from COPD

occupational cancer deaths are caused by exposures in construction

R, or P for protection against oils. • N - if they are Not resistant to oil • R - if somewhat Resistant to oil • P - if strongly resistant (oil Proof)

Some of the most common substances known to cause occupational asthma are used in or generated by everyday construction tasks isocyanates, solder and colophony fume, stainless steel welding fumes, and wood dusts.

There are nine types of disposable particulate respirators: • N-95, N-99, and N-100; • R-95, R-99, and R-100; • P-95, P-99, and P-100

* ‘Occupational lung disease in the UK- the facts’, July 2014, a BOHS review of the existing evidence about prevalence and incidence of occupational lung disease in the UK.


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