Flowtronix Catalogue



For a sign to be visible and understood

Viewing distances (according to BS ISO 3864-1: 2011) – Fire equipment and sign categories Viewing distances (according to BS 5499-4: 2013) – Escape route signs

The size of the sign is defined by the maximum viewing distance from which the sign is understandable. The viewing distance at which a sign of a particular size is conspicuous and comprehensible depends on the illumination of the sign and the amount of detail it contains.

The larger the sign the greater the viewing distance will be.

100 x 100 200 x 100

150 x 150 300 x 150

200 x 200 400 x 200

300 x 300 600 x 300

400 x 400 1200 x 400

D - maximum viewing distance in metres (m) h - overall height (printed area) of the signboard in millimetres (mm) Z - distance factor taking into account the sign category, illumination factors and level of detail.


5 m 14 m

8 m 22 m

11 m 31 m

17 m 47 m

23 m 62 m

Signs for high and intermediate location level

Signs positioned at a the High Level Location are intended for all users of a building. Therefore, they shall be installed at a height above 1.8m. This way the presence of people or objects located between the equipment and the user does not obstruct the visibility of the signs. Signs located at the Intermediate Location Level are intended for the user of the identified equipment. This signage contains complementary information advising the correct usage of the equipment and should therefore be installed at a height of between 1.2 & 1.5m.

DCP Fire Extinguisher

1.8m to 2.5m

Reading area: 1.2m to 1.5m

Viewing Distance

For a pictogram or worded safety sign located in a work environment where there is a sufficient lighting and mounted in a reasonably prominent position. The following requirements for a sign are needed: • Pictogram size must be at least 15mm per metre of viewing distance • Text size: Upper case at 5mm per meter of viewing distance; Lower Case at 4mm per meter of viewing distance INSTALLATION HEIGHT

• Escape route signs - should be installed between 1.8m and 2.5m from floor level to the base of the sign.

• Fire safety signs - must be used at all times placed at the location of each piece of equipment and at the correct height of 1.8m to 2.5m (or even higher depending on the viewing distance or due to intermediate objects hindering visibility).

• Prohibition, mandatory action and hazard signs - should install in a clear and visible location before encountering the hazard. Also need to be as near as possible to the risk areas.


Single Sided Sign Pole or Wall Mounted

Double Sided Sign Wall Mounted

Double sided sign Hanging or Pole Mounted

Panoramic Wall Mounted

90 o

Viewing Area

Viewing Area

Viewing Area 180 o

Viewing Area


90 o


90 o

Viewing Area


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